Thursday, August 27, 2020

War :: essays research papers fc

Ongoing photos of Iraqi Prisoners Of War (POWs) being mortified and mishandled by United States military have created scene and sicken all through the world. The sole reason for any war is to win; either through devastating the adversary, or the accomplishing a particular objective. Why at that point should alliance powers be held to a better quality with respect to treatment of POWs than the remainder of the world? To completely investigate this inquiry we should comprehend the historical backdrop of POWs, and the job that the United States plays in world undertakings. During the 1991 Gulf War, pictures of American pilots beaten and draining were appeared to the world. Socialized countries were shocked. As Major Rhonda Cornum recounted being attacked, Colonel Jeff Tice recounted being shocked, and other American and British pilots read scripted articulations on TV (PBS), humanized countries were dismayed. Consistently, detainees have been cross examined and abused by their captors. Vietnamese warriors housed detainees in inadequate sanctuary or even pits all through their nation. The most popular POW camp was known as the â€Å"Hanoi Hilton†. Here, POWs where beaten, tormented and mortified for quite a long time. Conditioning methods were idealized by North Korea during The Korean Conflict. World War I POWs were constrained in the process of childbirth camps or deliberately killed through â€Å"death marches† where gatekeepers would drive detainees to walk until they kicked the bucket from fatigue with an end goal to lessen the quanti ty of detainees in the camps. World War II POWs were slaughtered, or utilized for clinical examinations. The United Sates Department of Defense perceives table beneath plots the noticeable sort of torment controlled during every one of the official US Wars (DoD, 47). After the wars finished, and it was found exactly how gravely the POWs were dealt with, socialized countries persuaded themselves that torment and misuse were the demonstrations of unseemly countries managed by psychos. Chief Wars in which the US Participated Official War     Torture strategy Progressive War     Murder, obliteration of property War of 1812     Rape, burglary, Arson Indian Wars     Scalping, murder, assault Mexican War     Murder Common War     Hanging, obliteration of property Spanish-American Warâ â â â â providing just saltwater to drink-causing parchedness and mental trips World War I     Sleep hardship, murder World War II     (sexual) oppression, clinical trials, passing walks Korean Warâ â â â â re-training, Bataan Death March, physical torment Vietnam Warâ â â â â cutting off different body parts to get different detainees to talk, Sleep hardship, bamboo under fingernails Bay War-1991     Electrocution, embarrassment, beatings, Sleep hardship Bay War-2003     Religious and sexual maltreatment, embarrassment, beatings, lack of sleep The United States has, from the beginning of the Civil war, drove the good and moral charge for legitimate consideration and treatment of detainees of War.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Political Philosophy and Medium-paragraph Length Answer Essay

Give a medium-section length answer to each address beneath (utilizing full and complete sentences). The inquiries are about the readings recorded on the prospectus for 2/19 and 2/26. 1. Recognize and clarify the two protests that Michael Sandel raises about Jeremy Bentham’s reasoning of Utilitarianism. 2. What are the three sorts of arrangements and laws that Michael Sandel distinguishes as being ordinarily dismissed by libertarians? Quickly clarify each sort of strategy, and clarify why libertarians are thoughtfully contradicted to them. 3. As indicated by Mary Anne Warren (in â€Å"On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion†), what are the five focal standards for moral personhood, and what are the ramifications of this rules on the issue of whether the baby has the privilege to life? 4. As indicated by Don Marquis (in â€Å"Why Abortion Is Immoral†), what is the property that the baby has which makes premature birth an improper demonstration? For what reason does Marquis say that premature birth is similarly as off-base as slaughtering a blameless grown-up individual? 5. Judith Jarvis Thomson (in â€Å"A Defense of Abortion†) makes a contention about the ethical quality of premature birth when the pregnancy is because of assault by making an invented model about being snared to an oblivious musician. What are the components of her model that make it practically equivalent to the circumstance of pregnancy because of assault? What is the end she draws about the profound quality of premature birth in this circumstance, and what is the reason for this end? Accommodation Guidelines Include your name and the task name (Homework Assignment 1) in the content of the archive Include your name and the task name (Homework Assignment 1) for the sake of the document that you submit.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed If I Dont Get Accepted in R1, Ill Just Apply in R2!

Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed If I Don’t Get Accepted in R1, I’ll Just Apply in R2! As you head into application season, what kind of strategy do you have in mind? More than a few candidates, having likely read about the supposed advantages of applying in Round 1 on various Web sites and discussion boards, plan to submit all their applications in that first round, with the idea that if no acceptances are forthcoming, they will just submit another set of applications in Round 2. If this is your plan, we ask that you step away from your stack of applications for a moment while we explain why this is probably not your best course of action. Most Round 1 deadlines are in October, and even though often applicants may receive a kind of “progress report” in the form of an interview invitation in November, this is no guarantee of eventual acceptance. Ultimately, then, applicants will not know for sure whether they have won a spot at any of their target schools until mid- to late December. So let us imagine the worst-case scenario: you submit all your applications in Round 1 but are not accepted at any of your target schools. Now, feeling discouraged and unsure of your application strategyâ€"not to mention dealing with the hustle and bustle of the holidaysâ€"you must quickly research and select new schools, rethink your approach, and crank out still more applications in the space of just a few weeks to be able to submit in Round 2â€"to schools that you may not even be that enthusiastic about. And do not forget that you will also need to pressure your recommenders during this busy time of year to produce more documents on your behalf on a very tight deadline! Are you rethinking your strategy yet? We recommend that instead, you change your mind-set from “If I don’t get accepted in R1, I will apply in R2” to “I am applying to some schools in R1 and some in R2, and hopefully I won’t have to finish my R2 applications.” With luck, you will not need to complete the applications you have slated for Round 2. But if you plan ahead, do not overload yourself with too many applications in the first round, and work steadily on your applications over several months, you will be in a much better place both mentally and with your required workload should you have to move ahead with your Round 2 submissions. And if, in the end, you get accepted early or receive multiple offers of admissions from your first-round applications, you will have lost nothing more than a little time! Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed If I Don’t Get Accepted in R1, I’ll Just Apply in R2! As you enter application season, what kind of strategy do you have in mind? More than a few candidates, having likely read about the supposed advantages of applying in Round 1 on various Web sites and discussion boards, plan to submit all their applications in that first roundâ€"with the idea that if no acceptances are forthcoming, they will just submit another set of applications in Round 2. If this is your plan, we would like to explain why it is probably not your best course of action. Most Round 1 deadlines are in October, and even though often applicants may receive a kind of “progress report” in the form of an interview invitation in November, this is no guarantee of eventual acceptance. Ultimately, then, applicants will not know for sure whether they have won a spot at any of their target schools until mid- to late December. So let us imagine the worst-case scenario: you submit all your applications in Round 1 but are not accepted at any of your target schools. Now, feeling discouraged and unsure of your application strategyâ€"not to mention dealing with the hustle and bustle of the holidaysâ€"you must quickly research and select new schools, rethink your approach, and crank out still more applications in the space of just a few weeks to be able to submit in Round 2â€"to schools that you may not even be that enthusiastic about. And do not forget that you will also need to pressure your recommenders during this busy time of year to produce more documents on your behalf on a very tight deadline! Are you rethinking your strategy yet? We recommend that instead, you change your mind-set from “If I don’t get accepted in R1, I will apply in R2” to “I am applying to some schools in R1 and some in R2, and hopefully I won’t have to finish my R2 applications.” With luck, you will not need to complete the applications you have slated for Round 2. But if you plan ahead, do not overload yourself with too many applications in the first round, and work steadily on your applications over several months, you will be in a much better place both mentally and with your required workload should you have to move ahead with your Round 2 submissions. And if, in the end, you get accepted early or receive multiple offers of admissions from your first-round applications, you will have lost nothing more than a little time! Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed If I Don’t Get Accepted in R1, I’ll Just Apply in R2! As you head into application season, what strategy do you have in mind? More than a few candidates, having likely read about the supposed advantages of applying in Round 1 on various Web sites and discussion boards, plan to submit all their applications in that first round, with the idea that if no acceptances are forthcoming, they’ll just submit another set of applications in Round 2. If this is your plan, we ask that you step away from your stack of applications for a moment while we explain why this is probably not your best course of action. Most Round 1 deadlines are in October, and even though often applicants may receive a kind of “progress report” in the form of an interview invitation in November, this is no guarantee of eventual acceptance. Ultimately, then, applicants will not know for sure whether they have won a spot at any of their target schools until mid- to late December. So let’s imagine the worst-case scenario: You submit all your applications in Round 1 but are not accepted at any of your target schools. Now, feeling discouraged and unsure of your application strategyâ€"not to mention dealing with the hustle and bustle of the holidaysâ€"you must quickly research and select new schools, rethink your approach and crank out still more applications in the space of just a few weeks to be able to submit in Round 2to schools that you may not even be that enthusiastic about. And don’t forget that you will also need to pressure your recommenders during this busy time of year to produce more documents on yo ur behalf on a very tight deadline! Are you rethinking your strategy yet? We recommend that instead, you change your mindset from “If I dont get into schools in R1, I will apply in R2 to I am applying to some schools in R1 and some in R2, and hopefully I wont have to finish my R2 applications. With luck, you will not need to complete the applications you have slated for Round 2, but if you plan ahead, don’t overload yourself with too many applications in the first round and work steadily on your applications over several months, you will be in a much better place both mentally and with your required workload if you should have to move ahead with your Round 2 submissions. And if, in the end, you get accepted early or receive multiple offers of admissions from your first-round applications, you will have lost nothing more than a little time! Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Theorist I Chose For My Review - 1457 Words

The theorist I chose for my review paper is Karl Marx. I thought that it would be interesting to gain a deeper understanding of him, his theories, and a better understanding of the Bourgeois and proletariats. To understand Marx and his theories it is important to understand history and the evolution we have gone through throughout history. Marx gained perspective for what society means and what society should be by gaining a better understanding of civilization by studying the way that slavery, lord and serf relations, and guild-masters operated at functioned in society. By studying these ancient systems of society Marx was able to create a perfect system, communism, which in theory would create an equal and fair community with no†¦show more content†¦To be average in the Roman and Greco time period you would live in close proximity to your neighbors, share a common bathing house, water well for water and washing, and have little money to spend at the markets. The Middle Age s had feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, and serfs. In the Middle Ages the feudal lords were the top of the line. They were the wealthiest in their society and held the most power. However, because of their wealth and power they needed protection, so they granted land to vassals, also known as knights, in return for protection. The vassals who owned the land and lived on the land hired the serfs as indentured slaves to work and take care of the land. It was the jobs of the serfs to maintain the land and in return they were allowed to live on the land without having to pay. This system caused the creation of the guild-master occupation. With the work the serfs were doing on the land they would take their agricultural yield to be manufactured and turned into textiles. This system worked well because the system was setup for limited interaction between classes. The vassals did not have to associate or mingle with the serfs, and they were able to have a successful and profitable syst em. The study of these systems is what leads Marx to his idea of the bourgeois and proletariats. This idea was not able to work with the feudal and patriarchal societies that the Romans,

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Repressed Mind Of Victims That The Post Traumatic...

Researchers, J. Douglas Bremner, Katherine Krause Shobe and John K. Kihlstrom establish in their study on the repressed mind of victims that the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that women of childhood sexual abuse exhibited poorer memory for words that had been recently studied and increased insertions of alternative words other than critical lures (Bremner, Shobe, Kihlstrom, 2000). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) according to the Mayo Clinic, Is a mental health condition that s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event (Mayo, 2016). Triggers can be anything that reminds the victim of the attack. A trigger can also set anyone in a panic not just victims of sexual assault or interpersonal violence; they serve the primary purpose as for the body to release whatever fear based they had which can result into one or more of three instant reactions, flight, fright or freeze. This is a challenge to the police officer s obligation to not only enforce the law against a crime that has been committed but retrieving factual evidence. If the police repossess falsified information from the victim then they are less willing to believe not only the victim but the crime in itself. This makes it challenging for victims of the same crime in later dates to challenge the law and give full responsibility to their perpetrator.Show MoreRelatedWhat Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Essay1886 Words   |  8 PagesWhat is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? The Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, also referred as PTSD, is classified as a psychiatric disorder that is caused by experiencing or witnessing life-threatening events (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 2007). Several examples of life- threatening events include military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 2007). Individuals that suffer fromRead MoreThe Article Is About The Conceptsrelating To, â€Å"Psychopathology1451 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Complex PTSD Literature: Implications for DSM-5,† which is written by Resick, Bovin, Calloway, Dick, King, Mitchell Wolf (2012). Resick et. Al (2012) discussed the pitfalls that usually occur during the duration of a hindering factors that lurks in the darkness of an individual’s mind, therefore, will counter attack by eating away at the core of existence pertaining to reality which will cause an unbalance in a person life due to severe repeated psychologically traumatic experiencesRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )2002 Words   |  9 PagesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder Name: Jean-Paul Institution: TBD Professor’s name: Joseph Grande Date of submission: 8/20/2015 Introduction For a very long time, it has been recognized that stressful life can have an emotional as well as a behavioral effect in a human being. Studies show that 60% of men, 50% of females as well as 90% of the population go through a stressful event in their lives that is life changing or they tend never to forget ever (Marsh, 2014). It is however trueRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1560 Words   |  7 Pagescan be difficult on a human’s mind to process events and deal with the effects on long term health of a person’s psychological. War is defined as conflict between two different groups of individuals. There are many reasons for why wars and other conflicts happen, but the warfighter has the greatest psychological burden placed on them. Over time understanding and acceptance on dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has increase dramatically. Although PTSD can be associated with any eventRead MoreThe Silver Linings Playbook, Pat Peoples2442 Word s   |  10 PagesEncountering stressful or traumatic situations is inevitable in a human lifetime. Human beings are faced with a gruesome situation, have a period of grief, and finally overcome the emotions that came along with the event as a wiser and more mature individual. But what about the small portion of human beings that are not able to survive the trauma? What is stopping them from their own recovery? A member of this small portion of human beings is the main character of Matthew Quick’s novel The SilverRead MoreReign over Me: an Analysis1955 Words   |  8 Pageswriter of the screenplay chose to slab with this nearing-middle-age man, Charlie, as a victim of what universally most can say does warrant personal effect and disaster. Death of a family. In but a situation he could not control (this theme of him constantly struggling to be the only outside influence that affects his life and decisions one that will be recurring), Charlie is in an instant shattered. His mind and all subsequent areas thrown to the curb and the realm of lost thought and cognitionRead MorePsychological Trauma And Behavior Of The Cold Blood By Truman Capote1139 Words   |  5 Pagesa murder that had occurred more than 20 years earlier. The victim, 8-year-old (Susan Kay Nason, was murdered on September 22, 1969). Franklin s daughter, Eileen, only 8 years old herself at the time of the murder, provided the major evidence against her father. What was unusual about the case is that Eileen s memory of witnessing the murder had been repressed for more than 20 years (The Reality).† After psychological trauma, repressed memories can occur. Psychological trauma is the individual experienceRead MoreHow Jessica s Early Upbringing Impact Her Current Situation?2248 Words   |  9 Pagesdissociation. She is at times tearful and agitated and at other times she is distant as if â€Å"in a dream.† A. How might Jessica’s early upbringing impact her current situation? Jessica’s early upbringing impacts her current situation in several ways. As a victim of child sexual abuse, Jessica is already predisposed to living her life in a constant state of flight, flight or freeze. She has unresolved childhood trauma which has affected her attachment to her caregivers and has affected her interpersonal relationshipRead MoreThe Effects Of Childhood Trauma On Children s Personality1940 Words   |  8 Pagesof personality disorders such as Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic, Paranoia, Schizoid, and Schizotypal. Many children are affected through the terrible experience which develops mistrust in the world, and later causes them to turn against society because of the constant neglect that is inflicted onto them. Childhood Trauma is associated with the negative events that are obtained in a child’s life time, through the emotional and physical pain that it endures. Traumatic events cause personalityRead MoreThe Effects Of Trauma On Mental Disorders2370 Words   |  10 PagesThroughout our lives it is almost a guarantee that we will all experience a traumatic event that changes who they are and their view on the world entirely. Whether it is war, abuse or some type of accident, we can all fall as victims. These experiences often have the ability to manifest themselves into a mental disorder or some other type of negative effect. Furthermore, even though being diagnosed with a mental disorder can itself seem devastating, there are often even more effects that can come

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bilingual Education Persuasive Essay - 991 Words

Over the last decade or so, important legislation has been implemented to positively ensure fair and equal access to a quality education for English Language Learners (ELL). Change did not happen without there being obstacles to overcome. There were many overturned cases that initially sought to strip English Language Learners of their basic rights to an education. Yet, there would eventually be legislation instituted to help alter the course. Early court cases, provide examples of abject inconsideration, injustice, and racial discrimination imposed on those in need of specific education services, like the Non-English speaking students. In a 1923 case, Myers v. Nebraska, justices struck down a law that barred foreign languages from†¦show more content†¦A case that was significant in laying groundwork for legal charges against racial segregation, like in the 1954 case of Brown v. Board of Education, was the case of Mendez v. Westminster, 1947. In this case, a court upheld a previous district’s ruling which struck down the segregation of Mexican (to include Mexican-American) students. At the time, the basis for segregating the students was due to their deficiencies in English. It was further concluded, to be â€Å"a violation of the due-process and equal-protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment†. This was also the first federal case to declare segregation in K-12 education i llegal. The last case example, is the case of Flores v. Arizona, of 2008. The court ruled for Arizona to comply with a federal court’s decision in which, they are to fund instruction for ELL. While earlier rulings and legislation sought to address and improve on educational programs for ELLs, it simply wasn’t enough. In 2015, we would become witness to laws under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), formerly No Child Left Behind, which attempted to pave a road to a higher quality of education for ALL students. ESSA attempted to provide basic elements of accountability that did not exist before. SinceShow MoreRelatedBilingual Education - Persuasive Speech Essay1778 Words   |  8 Pagesmine, I am endlessly thankful to my parents. They provided me with such a bilingual education that will benefit me in several ways throughout my life. Languages are a door to the world. Languages open our eyes towards other cultures. Languages let us interact with people of different nationalities and therefore provide us with huge opportunities throughout our career, whatever we choose it to be. Bilingual education must be strengthened in the United States. Schools must emphasize teachingRead Morenm,n. On the other hand the main dissimilarity of those two essays is authors view towards the society. Their ideas are very helpful for the development of our society.1747 Words   |  7 Pages Essay Assignment #1 Length: three to four pages not including Works Cited Evaluation of an Argument through Analysis – In this assignment, you are required to show your abilities to summarize and evaluate the effectiveness of an argument, based on your analysis of it. Thus far in the course, we have explored the ways in which we read and analyze an argumentative text critically. Critical analysis of a text requires us to look for what the author claims (the main idea/thesis) and to closelyRead MoreRichard Rodriguez s Hunger Of Memory 974 Words   |  4 Pagesand immerse themselves in the English oriented atmosphere of the American school† (980). In â€Å"Aria†, Rodriguez has created an autobiographic essay of his childhood. In his essay, the author is against bilingual educators, who believe that children in their first years of school should be educated in their native language. According to Rodriguez this education method is wrong, it won’t be helpful, therefore children should be knowledgeable in the same language as the public one. The author’s main pointRead MoreThe Myth Of The Latin Wom I Just Met A Girl Named Maria868 Words   |  4 Pagessociety. â€Å"The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Ma ria† is a short essay in which the award winning poet and professor of English, Judith Ortiz Cofer, wishes to inform and persuade the audience that labels and stereotypes can be humiliating and hurtful. The author targets the general public, anyone that doesn’t understand that putting someone in a box because of a stereotype is wrong. Cofer starts out the essay by telling the reader a story with a drunk man who re-enacted â€Å"Maria† from theRead MoreThe Mom2180 Words   |  9 Pages |10 Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Persuasive Text. Students analyze and draw conclusions about persuasive text and | | |provide evidence from text to support their analysis | |(Include TEK number and (SE) |10A Evaluate how the author’s purpose and stated or perceived audience affect the tone of persuasive texts | |student expectationRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words   |  190 PagesGRIFFIN NEW YORK 65 SUCCESSFUL HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. Copyright  © 2009 byThe Harbus News Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For-information, address St. Martins Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. Library of Congress Data 65 successful Harvard Business -School application essays : with analysis by the staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School newspaper

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Report on Orangutan Foundation

Question: You have to develop a segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) plan targeting the Australian tourist market which the Orangutan Foundation could use to know to which Australian tourists to promote its conservation strategy. Your task is to promote its conservation strategy to Australian volunteer tourists. You are required to conduct a literature review of about 500-800 words on the topic using keywords such as volunteer tourism, segmentation, targeting and positioning. Answer: Executive summary This paper described the several aspect of volunteer tourism. It is regarded as an emerging form of alternative tourism. It believed to attract travelers with a sense of altruism who like somethings different in their holidays. The aim of this chapter is to provide perspective and actionable information concerning this fast growing and significant form of volunteering.This paper explores the STP plan for the Australian tourist to provide better understanding about the Australian tourist nature. This study investigates that how volunteer tourism is interpreted by volunteer travelers and members of volunteer organization. Introduction Volunteer tourism is also known as volunteer vacation, volunteer travel and voluntourism. It is a form of tourism which contribute traveler in voluntary work for charity purpose. In the other word, the volunteer tourism concentrates on altruistic or goodwill activities whilst on holiday. Volunteer tourism is a new idea of tourism that helps to maximum use of holidays. (Connors 2011) Further, volunteer tourism is mainly promoted through religious organization for travel based charity for their team members to help in underdeveloped countries as part of their religious mission or responsibility. Modern history of volunteer tourism is to provide several relief, reconstruction services and rehabilitation. In the 1961, Peace Corps a US government agency that provides American volunteers to all over the world for volunteer assistance. The non-profit organization such as Red Cross pioneered is recruiting, training and sending volunteers in the foreign countries for disaster relief service. (Novelli 2007) The main aim of this paper is to promoting conservation strategy for Austrian volunteer tourist. This study determined the role of non-governmental organization (NGOs) as significant facilitators of a successful connection between volunteer tourist and local communities. Literature review Literature on volunteer tourism is very broad. Volunteer tourism received academic attention which has a growing area in tourism studies and lighting its potentially transformative nature. However, there is several definition of volunteer tourism but no single definition is widely accepted. The most common used definition was discovered by Wearing that it is applies to those tourist who has several reasons, volunteer an organized way to spend holiday that might involve or alleviating poverty of some groups in society. In the 1990s, corporate sector is started to volunteer tourism as a part of business travel towards the common goal of corporate social responsibility, improving their brand image among the consumer and social entrepreneurship. For example: Avaya Inc conducted its 2006 global sales and partner conference in New Orleans to help the city that was suffered by Hurrieane Katrina. (Benson 2010) Furthermore, there are various world famous organizations including Voluntary Service Overseas, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Earthwatch and Youth Challenge International as well as many charitable bodies, NGOs and commercial tour operators that offer a variety of volunteer tourism opportunities. (Barbieri, Santos Katsube 2012) Conservation International, Antipodeans and Australian Volunteers are the few names which an offering pleasure trip to Australian volunteer tourist. Further, volunteer tourism spend more time, work and money to benefit from an abroad community, an often high level benefit is the intrinsic rewards gained by the on the grounded community. NGOs participate to the furthering of option philosophies in tourism such as egocentrism, community development, feminism and post structuralism. The volunteer tourists life-changing experience is determined by exploratory qualitative research which was origin in Australia and New Zealand. They were 19-23 age groups whe n they participated in volunteer tourism project. (Benson 2010) STP plan for the Australian tourist market Tourism is significant export industry for Australia which creates millions jobs. Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) plan determine the Australian tourist situation in the worldwide. The main goals of the STP plan is to focus on the application of the several marketing weapons (such as advertising, electronic marketing, database marketing, pricing and promotion) to ultimately improve marketing results. Indeed, segmentation is partition or section of overall market with specific needs and desires of the tourist customers. It is process of partition of more groups of consumer. Targeting is groups of customers which help to choose segments of the appropriate for the market and explain the product or services that will be offered in each segment. Positioning is an activity which to find out the tourism problem and opportunity and built a solution through specific research. It makes a different variety of tourism services which can beat your competitors. (Fyall Garrod 2005) In the regard of STP model, Australia become desirable holiday place for the UK traveler due to variety of beaches, outback, city lifestyle, rainforests and adventure concern. They provide flights in affordable prices so more than 50 percent of all European came from the UK. The UK is the biggest source of visitors for Australia rather than Japan and New Zeal and that is presented the segmentation of Australian market. The UK is main target country for Australian tourism. So, the Australian High Commission has permitted to over the 40000 working visas to the UK. The main objective of working holiday scheme is to provide opportunity for young people (18-30). Australia is the desirable nation for working because there is no language problem for UK traveler. It is very challenging to provide increasing the number of alternative, affordable holiday opportunities for the Australia Tourist Commission (ATC) that is presented the positioning plan for the Australia tourist. ATC was founded in 1967 to promote Australia as international tourism place. ATCs main objectives are increase the benefit for Australia from abroad visitors and also raise the number of traveler to Australia from abroad countries. To fulfill to objective, we need to take action in these areas: convert interest of the partner which already works with Australia, helping business to cooperate in mutual understanding between tourist venture s and supports travelers to make their plan to Australia through basis of provided information that is presented positioning model for problem solutions for Australian tourist. Several employees came to Orleans and worked with volunteer project by Habitat for Humanity and the American Red Cross. This corporate intend was to provide volunteer service for affected people. (Llewellyn Mylne 2004) Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that volunteer tourism is fast growing kinds of alternative tourism in the worldwide. Volunteer tourism provides an opportunity to enrapture itself in a target oriented activity while on vacation. Volunteer tourism provides permission to traveler to help a local project through their work experience. However, volunteer tourism combination of the non-profit/voluntary and tourism industry. STP plan of Australian tourist determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the plan in the volunteer tourism industry. Those tourists are desire to make somethings different during their holidays so they should participate in volunteer tourism to fulfill their dream to maximum use of holidays. References Barbieri, C, Santos, CA, Katsube, Y, 2012, Volunteer tourism: On-the-ground observations from Rwanda. Tourism Management, 33(3), 509-516. Benson, AM, 2010, Volunteer Tourism: Theoretical Frameworks and Practical Applications, Routledge, New York. Connors, TD, 2011, The Volunteer Management Handbook: Leadership Strategies for Success, John Wiley Sons, New Jersey. Fyall, A, Garrod, B, 2005, Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach, Channel View Publications, Bristol. Llewellyn, M, Mylne, L, 2004, Frommer's Australia from $50 a Day, John Wiley Sons, New Jersey. Novelli, M, 2007, Niche Tourism, Routledge, New York.